Coming to the first week classes for this subject, we were briefed on the assignments and some lectures. We were introduced to "Planning Your Project" on how we can kickstart our project through brainstorming and "filling the gap" in society. In terms of "filling the gap", it means what and how can we do to solve a problem in this society meanwhile adding new things to benefit the field. Therefore, it is important to advocate the rationale of the project we chose to explore. During the class, we were also taught about "target audience & user personas" as well as "quantitative & qualitative research". 

Here, I noted down what I've learned and understands these four terms after the classes :

1. target audience

2. user personas

3. quantitative research

4. qualitative research

Target Audience

Target audience are those people whom our business or project is intended to target, because they are those people that identified with our product or service. (Santos, 2018) In another word, it can be means customers too. For example, John wanted to open a cafe and sell his roastery coffee beans, he has developed his business plan and has the necessary funding but he worried that do there have public who will went to his cafe or to buy his product? Hence, he need to know his possible clients by conducting a survey. By identifying the demographic and psychographic data, he then can realize who around there will be part of his consumer. 

User Personas

As for user persona, it's a semi-fictional character that illustrate by us for targeting and create our marketing content. (Nielsen, 2019) With this, our product or service is possible to reach the initial goals. However, we need to have clear and real idea of who is our potential customers when we creat a user persona. "What are they interested in and what are they looking for" is needed to be concerned. With this, we can use our product to interact with them and think of design & tools for attraction.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is expressed in data or graphs and usually can be used to prove the generalizable facts about the topic. (Streefkerk, 2019) The data collection of this method can be:

- online questionnaire survey

- observation

- experiments

Qualitative Research

Different with Quantitative Research,  Qualitative Research is expressed in words to formulate a theory or hypothesis. (Streefkerk, 2019) The data collection of this method can be:

- interviews

- literature review

- focus group (to gather opinions among a group of people)



After the lecture, we have a small class exercise to determine our understanding on the research method, which is "qualitative research - interview" and "quantitative research - questionnaire survey". We are required to spilt into 2 groups and choose one of the research method to find out the following:

1. Brief description of the method

2. Pros and cons of the method

3. How is it done

Sue Ann, Jason and I were in one group and we were being chosen to do small research on "qualitative research - interview". We were given plenty of time to conduct the research and here is our result: 

Brief description of the method

Interviews are qualitative research technique which involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect data about a certain topic. In most cases, Interviewer is the subject matter expert who aims to understand respondent's opinion in a more well-planned and executed series of questions and answers. Commonly known as conversation between 2 or more where questions are asked to a person to get required responses and answers.

Pros and cons of the method


- Can get more accurate answers (as they are unable to give false info like gender, age or race)

- Can capture verbal & non verbal question (like through interview, we can observe the body language that indicates the level of discomfort for the ques when comes to some questions)

- People who being interviewed will be more focus or respondent on the ques we asked

- Capture the people's emotions & behaviour that online or mobile surveys couldn't achieve it


- The cost of time as it requires an amount of people to be interviewed and there will be needed a period of time to done those interview

- Interviewer's quality of data which some of the people have the ability to conduct the interview & gather those data naturally & well. Some of them might appear biases which affects the interviewees' responses

- It cost much to insert the data collected into computer

- For example, we can do interview online nowadays, but there is still requires a lots of time to cover an interview if we needed more interviews. Hence, this limits the sample size of research.

(Rukmini Desai, 2020)

(Defranzo, 2020)

How is it done



During the first class, we were introduce about our project and required us to have some rough ideas throwing out for discussion. The project we will be doing is related to a product and a problem that we interested to solve. It will be regarding AR, VR, UX UI, Arduino as the execution. 

Before getting started with the project, I have some brainstorming on defining what is it I want to communicate about myself and attempt to convey the messages in pieces. Yet, it is to be concerned that what is this product or service? Who will be using it? Why do they need the product or service? And what is the goal of our project?

Stregth & Weakness?

I’ve always asked and doubt at myself on my good and shortcomings. I realized I’m actually a person who is not good at FA, as in I will miss out some minor mistakes. Sometimes, I feel bad and keep trying to change this shortcoming of mine. Each time after I have done with any project, I’m checking the details and FA at least at 5 times but not 2 times (double-check). However, after I confirmed there’s no mistake and passed it to my supervisor or person in charge, there’s always some details or FA mistakes again. It usually will let people feel I’m careless but what they do not know is that I really did keep checking before I submitted. On the contrary, I’m able to think of the ideas and visualize as well as managing the project, as in the whole sight including the future site of the project. There, I realize, I am actually more suitable to be idea thinkers, with solutions and plannings to ensure the quality of the projects. Meanwhile, I noticed each project I’ve done indeed have a concept idea behind. It is like the storytelling of each concept idea instead of just blindly make design for a project. I love to conceptualize or create an idea with a strong concept behind each project. 

Interest? (what do I like to do)

Things I like to do is infinity! There are unlimited things that I'd like to explore and try on it. In terms of what do I like to do, I think I like creating apps, motion stuff (as in motion graphics etc) currently. It is because it provides me with an endless idea where I could use these skills to create more stuff. And by combining the knowledge of my Diploma & Degree studies, it allows me to explore more on branding ideas. Hence, I hope I could include this interest in my current project in order to let myself exploring more meanwhile enjoy learning more. 

What would I like to learn?

There are too much I would like to learn as long as it satisfied my curiosity. But, I knew I can't really learn all the things I wanted to learn, which this is a realistic world. Still, we need to know what is important first to learn for future development and what is the secondary hobby or interest to be learned. So, if I would need to say what I really hope and would like to learn in the future, I would take more efforts on improving my multimedia skills (motion graphics, after effects, AR VR UI UX & many more) and keep practising on ideas thinking (which it also requires to observe more stuff in this world to broaden my horizon). These are the skills & thinking that I felt it is useful & needed in the future. 

What area would I like to work after college?

Of course, dreams are big and it is not easy to achieve. However, I would set a goal to motivate myself, encouraging myself to work harder and reach my goals. I wanted to be a creative director or the co-founder of a design house, hoping to lead my group of members to create stunning projects. “Sometimes reality is cruel, but that reality is what keeping you 

strong”, said Kurosora. I knew if I wanted to be a creative director or a boss of a design house, I must learn from basics too, as in working started from a basic position. Therefore, I told myself I must strike my goals step by step. I’ve come across with a video which I found 

interesting and totally agreed with it. It was a university student giving a speech on graduation day. His speech named “No regrets in the 16th second”. His message was the need to focus on the relationships that matter in our lives because, without those connections, celebratory moments have less meaning. Everything in our lives must have a balance even if we wanted to achieve our goals. What I understand from life is that It’s not only about achieving our goals in career, but what matters is also the life balance. In the meantime we achieving our goals, we must not neglect the life balance, as in our relationship between people, family, and friends. If we failed on one side, it is not a success. 

design thinking in the design industry

Design Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is not only an exclusive property for designers, but it is applicable in literature, art, music, science, engineering, and business. It is useful in tackling problems that are unknown by reframing the problem to find a solution. (YU SIANG TEO, 2020). It requires lots of brainstorming session. Ranging from sketching, prototyping, testing, and trying out concepts and ideas, to come out with the best solution or idea. However, to go through these stages, there is a phase to guide through the process (YU SIANG TEO, 2020) :

a) Empathise - with the users

b) Define - user need, problems, insights

c) Ideate - challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovating solutions

d) prototype - start to create a solution 

e) Test - solutions

Think outside the box can provide an innovative solution to problems. Therefore, there is a job position called “creative director”. This position mainly is to help figure out how the work will live in the world, that is, how real people will experience the campaign. In the meantime, sort out a creative idea or execution, being out of the box. These are what we should expect from a creative director. (John Kovacevich, 2015)

Project Idea 1

Idea 1 Mindmap

It is getting critical and more cases of being spied using a hidden camera in Malaysia, where it actually threatening the safety of women & teenagers that lack self-awareness. Despite that we have not heard of significant cases caused in local media, but it doesn't mean it's not happening. In fact, according to the statistics shared on a BBC documentary, 6400 cases of the threatening phenomenon were reported in 2017, compared to 2400 in 2012. (AZIZUL RAHMAN ISMAIL, 2020)

Idea (Short description)
By creating an app or a device, it helps the people to detect the hidden cameras in an area. If there are hidden cameras founded, there is a button convenient for the people to report this case directly to the police station & management office. People who use this app would be able to aware and know there are hidden cameras in this area currently.

Research Question (What am I trying to find out)
A solution for the hidden camera's issue in Malaysia

To decrease the cases of hidden camera's victims & to raise up teenagers' awareness of their self-protection awareness, especially those who often visit Airbnb, homestay or anywhere. 

Project Idea 2

Idea 2 Mindmap

In Malaysia, there are not more than 80% of registered PWDs (Person with Disabilities) within the working-age of 15-64 years. (HRDF, Human Capital Report, Issue: Feb 2019/1).  This is due to the biased perception by some employers and the facilities as well as a platform to ease them from finding a job opportunity.

Idea (Short description)
By creating an app, it helps the disabled person to find a job that suitable for them more easily. To help them get the best job, there will be categories of disabilities and different companies that provide jobs.

Research Question (What am I trying to find out)
The quality of life of disabled person

To help the disabled gets a job more conveniently as well as to improve the quality of life of disabled workers and at the same time promote equal job opportunity in Malaysia.

3029 MAPA Research and Deve... by CHAO CI XIN

After the brainstorming, things that need to consider about will be the survey/reesarch I need to conduct:

- The data collection type for my project? (text, numerical or both)

- How do I get these research/data? (the source of information)

- What needs to be concerned when using this research metod? (cost, time, data reliability)



YU SIANG TEO, 2020. What Is Design Thinking And Why Is It So Popular?. [online] The Interaction Design Foundation. Available at: <https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/what-is-design-thinking-and-why-is-it-so-popular> [Accessed 10 January 2021]. 

John Kovacevich, 2015. 12 Things You Should Expect From A Creative Director. [online] Medium. Available at: <https://medium.com/@JohnKovacevich/12-things-you-should-expect-from-a-creative-director-e82711528b1f> [Accessed 10 January 2021]. 

DeFranzo, W., 2020. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Face-To-Face Data Collection. [online] Snap Surveys Blog. Available at: <https://www.snapsurveys.com/blog/advantages-disadvantages-facetoface-data-collection/> [Accessed 10 January 2021]. 

Rukmini Desai, 2020. The Interview Method: Advantages And Limitations | Social Research. [online] Your Article Library. Available at: <https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/social-research/the-interview-method-advantages-and-limitations-social-research/92801> [Accessed 10 January 2021].

AZIZUL RAHMAN ISMAIL, 2020. Beware The Spycam. [online] www.thesundaily.my. Available at: <https://www.thesundaily.my/spotlight/beware-the-spycam-XK2279404> [Accessed 10 January 2021].

HRDF, 2019. [online] Hrdf.com.my. Available at: <https://www.hrdf.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/03.-issue_Feb01_2019-Human-Capital-Report-Inclusivity-of-Disabled-Person-at-the-Workplace.pdf> [Accessed 10 January 2021].

Santos, B., 2018. How To Define Your Target Audience?. [online] Hotmart. Available at: <https://blog.hotmart.com/en/target-audience/> [Accessed 10 January 2021].

Nielsen, L., 2019. Personas - User Focused Design. 2nd ed. London: Springer.

Streefkerk, R., 2019. Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research | Differences & Methods. [online] Scribbr. Available at: <https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/qualitative-quantitative-research/> [Accessed 10 January 2021].


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