Wireframe Progress

After last week's comment on the wireframe, I've made amendments during the whole process. Meanwhile during making the amendments and the process, there are more reference suggested to refer, which is like the interface of Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft teams, Gmail, and many more. It was indeed a challenge to me where all of these are the first time I touch with UI with more knowledge. I've used much time to keep making amendments and research as well as experience with the existing user interface of those existing good apps. To me, I felt it was amazing that I could learn all these knowledge within a short period of time, of course there are much more to learn, but it is really challenging for me to get to know all those principles, rules and many more in a short period of time. I hope for the next face of the project, I could have done more to make the project at the best because I felt it was quite rush for me where I create an app prototype which requires lots of frames and longer time to investigate.

Below are the FINAL wireframe design which I did for the project :

[R&D] W8 - Final Wireframe by CHAO CI XIN on Scribd

Business Model (How the project works)

However, during the project, I was suggested to come out with a business model diagram instead of just talking verbally. It is to let the audience immediately understand what am I doing and how this project works. Therefore, I did a business model diagram too to showcase how this project earns money and how it works.

[R&D] W8 - Business Model by CHAO CI XIN on Scribd

FINAL information architecture

Nonetheless, due to the changes while doing the wireframes, it is needed to have some changes in the information architecture, core feature according to the function changes from the wireframes.

[R&D] W8 - FINAL Information Architecture by CHAO CI XIN on Scribd

FINAL User Scenario & User Flow

[R&D] W8 - FINAL User Scenario & User Flow by CHAO CI XIN on Scribd


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